Our process - How we work

Explore the steps of our approach as you dive into coding basics, build real-world projects, and launch into a successful career in tech.

Programmer coding on a laptop


We begin by evaluating your current tech skills to figure out the best starting point in our coding program. If you're already familiar with JavaScript, you'll skip the intro course. Those assessed as ready may skip this phase completely.

Our program is hands-on and career-focused, designed to mirror a real tech environment. You'll engage in coding exercises, one-on-one mentoring, and collaborative group work, all aimed at solidifying your skills in essential technologies like JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

Our unique methodology has mentors and students acting as managers and coworkers, exchanging feedback and working together. This approach ensures you develop a strong, practical foundation to confidently tackle the industry's most sought-after skills.

Included in this phase

  • Full-stack development
  • Self-paced learning modules
  • Coding exercises
  • Regular 1-on-1 mentoring
  • Collaboration and feedback
Programmer coding on a laptop


During the Build phase, you'll create complex web applications with industry-standard tools like Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Node.js. Engage with databases such as PostgreSQL and deploy on cloud platforms like AWS to make your code come to life.

Teamwork comes into play as you and your peers exchange feedback and help each other grow. Our mentors will be there to guide you through real-world coding challenges, covering everything from the basics to the finer points of software development.

You'll be actively coding, testing, fixing, and deploying — truly sharpening your engineering skills on the job with the latest tech.

New things included

  • Go backend development
  • Cloud development
  • Project-based learning
  • Building full-stack web apps
Programmer coding on a laptop


In the Run phase, you'll take a big step towards your first paid jobs. With guidance from our mentors, you'll refine your portfolio and resume, and enhance your online presence to attract clients and employers.

We'll help you showcase your best work and give you the know-how to create compelling proposals and demos.

You'll gain the confidence and sharp communication needed to secure those first jobs. Whether you're aiming to freelance or to be hired, we're with you every step of the way until you succeed.

New things included

  • Strategies. Proven job search, freelancing, and client outreach approaches tailored for new developers.
  • Know-how. Career advancement knowledge, principles, and methods you won't find anywhere else.
  • Optimization. Controversial material for optimizing your performance and image - anything providing an added edge.

Our principles - Forging new paths

We are determined to empower aspiring tech professionals by questioning conventional barriers and secrecy. Our approach is based on bold, unconventional principles.

  • Achievable. With the right plan, dedication, and our support, you can start a coding career in months, not years.
  • Streamlined. Most bootcamps are overpriced and overlong. We believe you only need key skills to get started.
  • Candid. Many industry truths go unspoken due to reputation concerns. We have open and honest conversations.
  • Empowering. Corporations have too much gatekeeping power over tech roles. We believe in empowering individuals.
  • Flexible. There are many paths into tech. We help you find the optimal learning style and pace.
  • Realistic. We provide a collaborative environment resembling real workplaces to prepare you for the industry.


BasedCode Insider

Be among the first to join our mentorship program designed to help you land your first developer jobs. Led by the founder.

What’s included

  • Work experience
  • Career launch
  • Private community
  • Mentor guidance
  • Uncensored insights
  • Freelance success

Limited spots


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