About us - Bootcamp, but better

Welcome to BasedCode, where we cut through the tech industry's bullshit.

We're the underground team of driven coders and industry insiders, hacking the system to fast-track your tech career.

We don't just teach you how to code, we equip you with the most in-demand skills and work experience to land actual jobs. Say goodbye to wasting time on learning concepts that won't get you hired.

Degrees held
Managers respected
Based grindset

Our culture - Embrace the grind, fuel your passion.

We are a tribe of relentless hustlers, committed to coding, growth, and the pursuit of excellence.

  • Loyalty. Our team is loyal to the grind. We're committed to our mission, and we're not distracted by the noise of the industry.
  • Trust. We trust in the hustle. We know that success in tech comes from hard work, not just talent or luck.
  • Compassion. We're compassionate about each other's grind. We understand everyone has their own path and pace in this journey.
Potrait of Lex Grezlak, BasedCode founder

Lex Grezlak


Hi, I'm Lex Grezlak. At 19, I self-taught coding and became proficient in just 2 months, kickstarting my software engineering journey.

Despite facing numerous rejections initially, I didn't back down. I started with small freelancing tasks for $5, eventually landing a contract that paid $5/hour. Within the first month, I was earning $15/hour, often working over 80 hours per week.

Just 6 months in, I secured my first long-term job at $20/hour. In less than 18 months, I was earning $4,200 a month from a single freelance contract, enjoying generous paid time off, benefits, and low self-employment taxes. In less than 3 years, I received an offer of $45/hour, all while working remotely and being location-independent.

Now, I'm here to share the keys to success with ambitious individuals like you. The tech industry journey requires determination and resilience, but with our framework, you can bypass unnecessary struggles and gatekeepers.

From our blog

Get redpilled with raw takes on the tech industry, and expand your expertise with guides and articles.

Becoming a Frontend vs. Backend Developer

Want a lucrative career as a developer? Learn why backend development may be the better choice for you.

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The Dark Side of Open Source

Free code feeds corporate greed, training you to accept no pay for your labor. Know your code's worth.

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