The Most In-Demand Programming Languages in 2024

by Lex Grezlak, Founder

Are you ready to supercharge your web development skills and stay ahead of the curve? Buckle up, because we're about to dive into the most in-demand programming languages for web development in 2024. These languages are not just popular; they're shaping the future of the internet as we know it.


Go, also known as Golang, is a language that's been steadily gaining traction in the world of web development. Designed by Google engineers, Go was born out of frustration with the complexity and slow compilation of other languages. It's a lean, mean, and compiled solution that allows for massive multithreading, concurrency, and performance under pressure.

Go's simplicity is one of its most attractive features. It borrows concepts from other languages, resulting in less complex code that saves developers time. It's also designed for the modern era of cloud computing and parallel processes, making it easier to utilize all CPU cores without complicating development.

Go is also the go-to language for large-scale projects. Many enterprises choose Golang because it accelerates and increases work effectiveness on more challenging projects. It's built for software engineering today, optimized for performance on scalable, cloud-based servers.

In 2024, we can expect to see more projects, tools, and services built using Go, especially in cloud-native ecosystems. The web development ecosystem of Go has been growing steadily, and with the rise of frameworks like Buffalo and Fiber, 2024 should bring even more web development options.


Rust is a systems programming language that has gained significant popularity among developers thanks to its emphasis on safety, performance, and productivity. It's a statically typed language, which means variable and expression types are determined and checked at compile time, enhancing memory safety and error detection.

Rust is well suited for embedded systems and bare-metal development thanks to its direct access to both hardware and memory. It doesn't require a garbage collector to run continuously in the background, which means coding in Rust feels like using a high-level language while still having the control of a low-level language.

The Rust 2024 roadmap contains three general themes: scaling to new users and new use cases, scaling the ecosystem, and scaling the project. This indicates that Rust is moving toward a future objective of recruiting more developers by making it more approachable.


JavaScript continues to grow and adapt to the needs of developers. The features for 2023 and the proposed enhancements for 2024 indicate a bright future for this dynamic language. As JavaScript continues to mature, we can expect to see more sophisticated and user-friendly features that make coding more efficient and enjoyable.

With increasing demand for dynamic web applications, it's nearly impossible to become a professional software developer without learning JavaScript. According to Stack Overflow's 2023 Developer's Survey, JavaScript is the most popular language among developers for the eleventh year in a row. Nearly 64% of survey respondents reported that they had used JavaScript in the past year.

JavaScript is essential to front-end web development. A majority of the web’s most popular sites, from Facebook and Twitter to Gmail and YouTube, rely on JavaScript to create interactive web pages and dynamically display content to users.

In 2024, we can expect to see more sophisticated and user-friendly features that make coding in JavaScript more efficient and enjoyable. The proposed enhancements for 2024 indicate a bright future for this dynamic language.


TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, has gained popularity for its additional features and enhanced support for static typing. It provides an additional layer of type checking, which can be crucial in projects with strict requirements regarding data validation, security, or performance.

Despite some backlash in 2023, with major libraries dropping TypeScript, it maintained its popularity and use. However, there is a consensus that something needs to be done about the amount of boilerplate code required to make TypeScript work.


Python has been hailed for its versatility and developer velocity, steadily climbing the programming language charts over the past few years. It's a powerful tool for automating tasks and improving workflows, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers. Python's syntax is clear, intuitive, and almost English-like, which contributes to its user-friendly nature.

Python is particularly useful for working with AI, and it was the third most used language of 2023, behind JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Skilled software engineers with strong Python skills are in high demand and this trend is expected to continue into 2024 and beyond.

Wrapping Up

In 2024, we can expect to see these languages continue to shape the future of web development. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner, learning these in-demand languages will boost your career opportunities and keep you ahead of the curve. As the demand for skilled coders continues to rise, mastering these languages will not only enhance your skills but also increase your marketability in the tech industry.

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